introducing google’s ai superstar, gemini, on x.

Our challenge: to cultivate community and create positive conversation about gemini amongst ai enthusiasts...amidst public backlash.

launching with support.

With buy-in from other Google products, we were able to craft a welcoming first post with full-throated support and celebration from all corners of the Google brand universe. Our intro post got 300k views, and even a shout from our biggest competitor.

making it social-first.

To bring Gemini’s key features to life, we crafted a balanced approach to assets, leveraging low-lift, social-first video, and product-centric GIFs.

building audience through the right pov.

“AI Enthusiasts” are passionate about AI, but they’re also very savvy. They have access to all kinds of information, so in order to keep them interested, you have to give them more. We did this by shooting original content as if it were coming directly from Gemini team members. This behind-the-scenes POV helps drive interest and interaction.

prioritizing Relevance and helpfulness.

To amplify Gemini’s everyday usefulness, we hit on both cultural moments and specific use cases.

celebrating wins from within.

  • Demis Hassabis  @demishassabis Co-Founder & CEO  @GoogleDeepMind  - working on AGI. Revolutionising drug discovery  @IsomorphicLabs . Trying to understand the nature of reality. Nobel Laureate.

    @demishassabis Co-Founder & CEO @GoogleDeepMind. Nobel Prize recipient.

    Demis Hassabis, shown recently liking our posts

  • "Woah 🤯" -November 8th, 2024


  • Lead product for @Google AI Studio, working on the Gemini API, and AGI, my views!

    Logan Kilpatrick, shown recently liking our posts

Having fun with GIFs.

Product imagery can be educational while also bringing an engaging aesthetic to the feed. Lately, we’ve been leveraging Gemini’s image-generating capabilities more and more.


YouTube Olympics & Paralympics: A True Production Feat